5 min read
Testing LDAP clients with Docker
Integration testing with testcontainers-go

LDAP is complex: it is an extensible standard with decades of history and dozens of vendors. This makes handling all possible use cases and configurations cumbersome (just look at Jenkins and Jira for example) and makes integration testing crucial. The most common approach I have seen (and which seems to be used by the go-ldap folks) is to test LDAP integration code against public LDAP servers. Although this has some advantages, namely reduced test runtime and reduced test code complexity, sending requests to the public internet is not always an option and definitely makes the tests more brittle.

In this post I’ll demonstrate the use of Docker to facilitate LDAP integration testing in Golang. The full code can be found on my GitHub.


Some folks created an easy-to-use Docker image for OpenLDAP that we’ll use to facilitate the integration testing. Aided by testcontainers-go, we can easily create fixtures against which we can test basic LDAP integration and more complex things like:

  • TLS configuration
  • Support for referrals and aliases
  • Authenticated connections

I’ll provide only a basic example with a single container testing a basic search using go-ldap, but this example can be extended to table-based tests for a plethora of configurations.

The Code

Let’s first look at the TestMain function:

var port nat.Port
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
ctx := context.Background()
testDataPath, err := filepath.Abs("./testdata")
ldapC, err := startLDAPContainer(ctx, ldapContainerRequest{
ldif: filepath.Join(testDataPath, "test.ldif"),
baseDN: "dc=test,dc=com",
orgName: "Test",
domain: "test.com",
if err != nil {
defer ldapC.Terminate(ctx)
ldapPort, _ := nat.NewPort("tcp", "389")
port, err = ldapC.MappedPort(ctx, ldapPort)
if err != nil {

This code calls a function, startLDAPContainer, and provides it with an ldapContainerRequest object. In the request object it provides parameters for the container: the path to an LDIF file for our test data and information on the domain and organization.

Crucially, we defer the removal of the containers until the tests complete. In this example I am starting the container at the package level, but this can be adapted to instead start containers on a per-test basis as well.

The container’s port is saved in a package variable for use in the test itself.

startLDAPContainer is where testcontainers-go comes into play:

const imageName = "osixia/openldap:1.3.0"
type ldapContainerRequest struct {
ldif string
baseDN, orgName, domain string
tls bool
func startLDAPContainer(ctx context.Context, ldapReq ldapContainerRequest) (testcontainers.Container, error) {
req := testcontainers.ContainerRequest{
Image: imageName,
Env: map[string]string{
"LDAP_ORGANISATION": ldapReq.orgName,
"LDAP_DOMAIN": ldapReq.domain,
"LDAP_BASE_DN": ldapReq.baseDN,
"LDAP_TLS": strconv.FormatBool(ldapReq.tls),
ExposedPorts: []string{"389/tcp"},
Cmd: []string{"--copy-service"},
BindMounts: map[string]string{
ldapReq.ldif: "/container/service/slapd/assets/config/bootstrap/ldif/custom/node.ldif",
WaitingFor: wait.ForLog("slapd starting"),
return testcontainers.GenericContainer(ctx, testcontainers.GenericContainerRequest{
ContainerRequest: req,
Started: true,

This code sets up the osixia/openldap container. I recommend going over their documentation for more information, but I would like to highlight here the bit where --copy-service is added to the container CMD. It is necessary because the container’s startup scripts make modifications to the LDIF files during startup; when using a bind mount, this can cause the startup to fail. The flag directs the startup scripts to copy the LDIF files and make modifications on the copies instead.

Finally, the test itself:

// TestSearch attempts a basic search against the LDAP Docker container.
// The search requires a bind using the default admin credentials.
func TestSearch(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
// create an LDAP connection
conn, err := ldap.DialURL(fmt.Sprintf("ldap://localhost:%s", port.Port()))
if !assert.NoError(err) {
// by default, osixia/openldap creates an admin user with the supplied base DN and a password of 'admin'
_, err = conn.SimpleBind(ldap.NewSimpleBindRequest("cn=admin,dc=test,dc=com", "admin", nil))
if !assert.NoError(err) {
res, err := conn.Search(ldap.NewSearchRequest("ou=users,dc=test,dc=com",
ldap.DerefAlways, // alias dereference policy
1, // result size limit
0, // search time limit - no limit
false, // return attribute types only
[]string{"dn"}, // attributes to return
nil)) // additional search controls
if !assert.NoError(err) {
assert.Equal("uid=user1,ou=users,dc=test,dc=com", res.Entries[0].DN)

This test just performs a basic search request and verifies the result. Before performing the search, the test first authenticates using the default admin credentials provided by the container.

Lastly, look at the LDIF:

dn: ou=users,dc=test,dc=com
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: users
dn: uid=user1,ou=users,dc=test,dc=com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
cn: User
sn: One
displayName: User One
uid: user1

For the sake of this example it is simple with just one user and one organizational unit. Note that the container will automatically create the entries for the domain provided with the initial configuration.


A link to the full working code is at the start of this article; try running it for yourself. For me, the test code takes only about a second or 2 to run, including the setup and teardown of the container and the test itself. This seems pretty cheap considering the flexibility afforded here and the possibility this opens up for table-driven testing against potentially dozens of different configurations, including forests of LDAP servers.